vendredi 28 juillet 2017

# Flamingo sunset #

    Voilà... Il faut bien avancer donc aujourd'hui, je vous présente le premier animal qui servira à ma nouvelle série de cartes postales : les animaux d'été !
En attendant la suite de mes aventures, je vous dis à bientôt et prenez soin de vous !


   Alright... I do have to move on so today, may I intriduce you to the first animal that will be used for my new set of postcards : the summer animals !
While waiting for the rest of my adventures, I'll see you soon and take care !

samedi 22 juillet 2017

* One More Light *

I was planning, and hoping, to post another illustration today, but things can sometimes be unpredictable.
Yesterday, I heard with immense sadness that one of the most influential artist of my life had passed away.
Linkin Park is the first band I ever was a fan of, and this is mainly thanks to them that I listen to all the great music that accompanies me in my life today.
Past the sadness, the incomprehension, the sympathy for family and friends and the pain of realizing all
the things it now means, I realized I couldn't not do something today in his memory.
So here is my tribute, done in just a few hours and with still that open wound that many fans around the world are feeling right now. But I had to, and even if at time it was really hard to continue, I guess it's also a help for me to say goodbye. Hopefully, a good goodbye.
RIP Chester

samedi 8 juillet 2017

▲° Egyptian Gods °▲

    J'ai ce mois-ci participé à mon premier Character Design Challenge, une sorte de communauté d'illustrateurs qui, chaque mois, répond à un thème donné. Une amie illustratrice me l'avait conseillé et je me suis donc lancée avec ce thème des dieux égyptiens qui était parfait pour une première !
Mon choix s'est porté sur Horus... Qui dit dieu à tête de faucon dit plumes à peindre !! ^^


    I've participated this month to my first Character Design Challenge, a kind of illustrators' community who, every month, works on a theme that has been given. An illustrator friend had recommended it to me and I leapt to this Egyptian Gods theme that was perfect for a first time !
My choice went on Horus... Because hawk's head God has to mean feathers to paint !! ^^